Message from the CEO

Gazania Group started operations in 2013 as a turnkey system integration company and solar energy solution delivery provider to a wide range of customers and applications including Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Utility Scale electricity production.  We assembled a team with unmatched track record in the solar industry, 70 years of combined industry experience and more than 100 MW of Solar projects Installation throughout Jordan and the GCC. These achievements have been realized due to our strong belief in focusing on customer satisfaction & after sales support.
While the solar industry has been in deployment for more than two decades, the service mentality in certain markets is still in the infancy stage. Failure of any of the imported components of the solar system are candidates to shut down an entire solar plant for weeks if not months and is costly to address from a customer prospective. System Integrators must address issues at end-user customer’s sites in an efficient and timely manner while minimizing downtime of the plant or portion of during abrupt failure.
At Gazania, we have taken a unique approach to after sales support with industry benchmark response time and Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR) through skilled Service Technicians and localized stocking of spare parts and spare units. In the long term, those who will prevail and succeed in any given market are not simply those considered as early comers into the market but the ones that are able to provide and deliver exceptional services that are aligned with customer expectation. Those who will invest during the early stages of market development in the service offerings of their companies are the ones who will certainly reap the benefits of such investment for years to come. Companies can differentiate themselves from their competition and win over new customers with great service not lower prices. Competing on price isn’t the most effective way to build an enduring business, Great service, delivered time and time again, is defensible.